Advanced Learner Loans

What is an Advanced Learner Loan?

We are a lead provider with ESFA and have funding available for Adult Learner Loans.

This enables you to fund a diploma qualification at levels 3, 4, and 5

Learners who are 19+ with a minimum 3 years UK residency or from EU countries are eligible to apply.

Eligibility for the loan doesn’t depend on a learner’s income and there’s no credit checks. Interest is charged from the date the first payment is made to the learning provider.

The Advanced Learner loan, plus any interest, has to be paid back but not until the learner has finished or left their course and their income is over the repayment threshold.

Financial Advice

It is really important that you look at all the options before deciding how to pay for your course, as a training provider we cannot give you any financial advice and would suggest that you get independent financial advice from the money advise service at

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